I think I must be thinking or rather worrying about no.2 lately that I dreamt I was scheduled for a checkup last night. In actual fact, my next detailed scan would be in another 2 weeks.
In my dreams, I actually went down to KKH, complete with hb n meia in tow. When I went to register myself, the nurse told me that I wasn't due for my checkup yet and today's the 13th (my checkups are always held of Tuesdays). I was pretty frustrated by the nurse n shoved my appointment book right into her face n said 'see, the date written here clearly states 13th.... ' the only thing I remembered before waking up was the nurse calling up my gynae.....
Such a coincidence!!! I woke up this morning n suddenly realised, hey!!! its the 13th today, hahaha but no checkup lah.....
Silly me.