Finally I get to see Baby Mex after 5 long weeks of waiting. And boy has he grown. I'm feeling much heavier right now, n my tum is starting to expand. I put on 2kg this time round, but guess what, the 2kg went to Mex instead :) (BIG GRIN) so my total weight gain is 3.5kg. Gynae said that Mex would be much bigger than Meia n he did a rough estimate on his birth weight. He might be 2.8 or even 3kg when he's out.... I did get a little worried but gynae assured me that I could do it as I told him I'm afraid that when Mex gets too big it'll be difficult to push... hahaha silly me, many ppl have done it, so I ought to have more confidence in myself.
I've also signed up for my delivery package. Finally decided on a 4 bed ward instead of opting for a single bed... reason to save costs n hey, its only for 2 days. I'm praying hard this time I don't share the room with some Inconsiderate family n friends who stay till way past visiting hours.
Well, I'm anxiously counting down to my delivery date, we're so looking forward to the new addition :)