My hb made this remarked on Monday morning where he took half a day off to attend to some urgent matters at home. Meia was bouncing up n down on his lap while I was showing him a very funny video clip of Meia.
Big M : (to hb) ah mi is so lucky to be able to stay home n watch u grow up!!!
Yes, I'm thankful n grateful that I'm one of the lucky few to be able to stay home n watch my kids' growth n not miss out on any important milestones. Life is not a bed of roses as a SAHM, but to me nothing is more important than keeping my family happy together.
I know some people (friends n also s close relative of mine)who sorta look down on me for the path I've chosen. Recently this close relative of mine sorta snubbed me for relying on Michael for money n not being financially independent like before (well she's not a mother herself n will never understand family life with kids). She even laughed saying 'lucky I'm not u' when I told her that I've never regretted my decision. Fortunately she shut up when I replied her 'I'm proud being a Mother!'
I was rather upset by her remarks n cried. I spoke to Michael about it n told him that I've never regretted my decision to be a SAHM n he agreed that its something respectful n not to be looked down upon. This, is a decision we both made when I fell pregnant.
I do not blame this relative of mine, I know she's very career minded n independent (good for her, cos I know she has many 'responsibilities) but that doesn't mean she can step on n demean me in this manner. I'm hurt n even told my Mother 'nevermind telling her after I've delivered Mex, I don't need such a person in my life'... of course, those were words of anger (yes I do admit I'm still a little angry now), but to me, a family member is for life, u just can't shut that person out just because of some crazy hurtful words.